Art It Out's SOCIAL SKILLS summer camp uses dynamic art therapy activities to teach and enhance social skills, such as: listening and following directions, joining in with peers, managing anxiety, expressing anger and frustration appropriately, and conversation skills.

The Sensory Learning Center is led by an occupational therapist and is designed for 4-6 year olds who benefit from individualized support and small group sizes to succeed in play and peer interactions.

Camp JUMP-IN Intensive Therapy Camp
Hamburg , MI

We use the Frequency, Intensity, Duration Model. Our campers make phenomenal gains in motor skills, language, social skills, academics and sensory processing. We require the presence of at least one parent for each camper, the camp becomes a parent training, networking and support system. Parents are trained in therapy techniques that can be used at home to continue advancement of their child.

The Team GUTS Fun & Fitness Camp is not only about having a great time, but being introduced to different physical activities in positive way and having that social component is very important as well. Health and wellness is not always at the forefront for our loved ones, but it is so important and so needed.

New Behavioral Network offers One to One's for camp. If your child has special needs and needs a one to one in order to attend camp, we can help, depending on where the camp is located and the availability of our staff. We are approved to provide one to one and ABA services through Performcare of NJ and we also offer in home and school behavioral consultation and ABA services. We do work with most insurance companies and accept private pay as well.

Camp Setebaid and The HDYC are normal summer residential camps for youth living with T1D. Staffed by mature adults who have experience with T1D who are complimented by a medical team with diabetes expertise to assure the campers are safe during their time at camp.

Jamaica Plain, MA

summer fun academic learning and arts integration, steam and nature, full inclusion, small ratios

Canton, MI

Camp A.B.L.E. is designed for individuals with disabilities. This camp offers unique opportunities to enhance social skills, reinforce gross and fine motor skills and foster independence. We attend field-trips two times a week, from zoo's to bowling. On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays we participate in different themed activities and welcome guest speakers. We also swim at the Summit on the Park.